
原标题:"初中英语作文:一次野餐"关于文章分享。 - 素材来源网络 编辑:admin。



Last weekend, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic adventure. We were all excited about spending a fun-filled day outdoors, enjoying good food and playing games.

上周末,我和朋友们决定去野餐冒险。我们都很高兴能在户外度过充满乐趣的一天,享受美食和玩游戏。We gathered our picnic essentials - a big blanket, baskets full of delicious food, and a football for some post-lunch fun. As we set off towards the park, our excitement grew.

我们收集了野餐必需品 - 一条大毯子,装满美味食物的篮子,以及午餐后娱乐的足球。当我们向公园出发时,我们的兴奋与日俱增。Once we arrived at the park, we quickly found the perfect spot under a shady tree. We spread out the blanket and started unpacking our mouthwatering goodies. There were sandwiches, fruits, chips, and homemade cookies that made our taste buds dance with joy.

到达公园后,我们很快在一棵阴凉的树下找到了完美的位置。我们铺开毯子,开始打开我们令人垂涎的好东西。有三明治、水果、薯条和自制饼干,让我们的味蕾欢快地跳舞。As we indulged in the scrumptious feast, we couldn't help but laugh at the silly jokes and funny stories shared by everyone. The atmosphere was filled with joy and friendship, making the food taste even better.

当我们沉迷于美味的盛宴时,我们不禁嘲笑大家分享的愚蠢笑话和有趣的故事。气氛充满了欢乐和友谊,使食物的味道更好。After satisfying our hunger, we decided to burn off some calories with a game of football. We pided into two teams and started running around, trying to score goals. It was hilarious to see some of us stumble and fall while trying to kick the ball. We were all cheering and laughing, not caring about who won or lost.

在满足了我们的饥饿感后,我们决定用一场足球来燃烧一些卡路里。我们分成两队,开始四处奔跑,试图进球。看到我们中的一些人在试图踢球时绊倒和摔倒,真是太搞笑了。我们都在欢呼和欢笑,不在乎谁赢谁输。As the afternoon sun started to fade, we gathered around the blanket again. We played card games and shared more laughter. We even had a mini talent show, where each of us showcased our unique skills, from singing to juggling. It was a riot of laughter and applause.

当午后的阳光开始变暗时,我们再次围在毯子周围。我们玩纸牌游戏,分享更多的笑声。我们甚至有一个迷你才艺表演,我们每个人都展示了我们独特的技能,从唱歌到杂耍。这是一阵欢声笑语和掌声。As the day came to an end, we packed up our belongings and headed home. Although we were tired, our hearts were filled with joy and unforgettable memories of this incredible picnic adventure.

一天快要结束了,我们收拾好行李,回家了。虽然我们很累,但我们的心中充满了欢乐和难忘的回忆,这是一次令人难以置信的野餐冒险。In conclusion, going on a picnic with friends is not just about the food and games. It's about the laughter, camaraderie, and the shared moments that make it truly special. So, grab a blanket, gather your friends, and embark on your own unforgettable picnic adventure!




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